
Showing posts with the label How to Use Rubric for Assessing Portfolios

How to Use Rubric for Assessing Portfolios

An increasing number of teachers are implementing portfolios into their classrooms because they see the benefits to their students. When students organize their projects and assignments by using portfolios, they are better able to reflect upon their learning. This helps deepen their understanding of the lessons. At the end of the unit of work or at the end of the semester, the teacher must decide how to evaluate the portfolios. Similar to the assessment of other student work, rubrics can assist in this process. Things You'll Need Large bins to store the portfolios Copier machine Marking pen Show More Instructions List the criteria to use for the assessment of the portfolio. Decide upon what is important, such as neatness and completeness. Include other criteria that you instructed the students to consider when they first set up their portfolios. For example, if you asked them to include a table of contents or to date each piece placed in the portfolio, then these will be...