Limitations of a Portfolio Assessment
Portfolios are one way some teachers measure student performance. Employers can also use portfolios for employee evaluations and sometimes to decide what work to submit to clients or competitions. Portfolios can be creative and help sell a student or employee, but portfolios do have limitations. They should be but one part of a complete evaluation or grading process. Unreliability Portfolio assessment is subjective, especially in the absence of some sort of rubric. Just like two people might watch the same movie and come away with radically differing opinions, two people might view the same portfolio and draw different conclusions. If the portfolio is simply serving as a snapshot of student or employee work progress and is graded or evaluated on that basis alone, subjectivity might not be a major issue. However, if teachers or employers base the portfolio grade or evaluation on the so-called quality of work, then subjectivity can become a serious limitation. Selectivity One typ...